On the BiTTE

Bonus: The Doom Generation (EXTRA w/ Josh Martin)

Episode Summary

We watched the newly restored version of THE DOOM GENERATION on the big screen and had some extra stuff to say!

Episode Notes

So, we watched the newly restored version of THE DOOM GENERATION at a screening for Uncomfortable Brunch. We dragged fellow completionist Josh Martin (the facilitators of this screening) to chat about what we saw and "uncovered" in this short wrap up.

Episode Transcription

So we finally got to see a cut of the Doom Generation in theater

Laura: So we finally got to see a cut of the Doom Generation in theater. Thanks to you, Josh.

Josh: You're welcome. I was excited to do it.

Laura: It was a great it was a great experience. But then when we had it on the big screen, I realized that there's a severed penis in that film.

Josh: There sure is.

Laura: That I didn't see when we watched.

Ryan: It on our there is is now. Because remember, it was a reedited kind of remastered version. It's definitely not in the version that we saw.

Josh: Yeah.

Laura: So, uh, that's a good news for anyone who's buying the 4K restoration of Gregory.

Josh: It comes out in just a couple of weeks. I think it comes out this Tuesday.

Ryan: Yes. A week from well, we all entered that contest on it.

Josh: Oh, that's right. The letterbox contest.

Laura: By the time this comes out, we maybe have won that letterbox.

Josh: Oh, yeah. When does that happen? I think it's tonight. I think it's like now.

Ryan: Holy shit.

Laura: We could be winners.

Josh: We could be big winners.

Ryan: We could be winners. But we've already put our pre order in anyway. Preemptively. Because obviously there's a high likelihood that might not happen. Um, well, it depends.

Laura: One time I did win a contest I told you about this, Ryan, that I believe in contests. Because one time I called into a radio and I won a VHS copy of City of Angels.

Ryan: What a fucking idealist you are. I believe in contests.

Josh: It's funny that you say that. I won a park app CDs contest and won a vinyl, um, soundtrack for City of Angels. I had a choice. I could get that or Polar Express. And I was like Sarah McLaughlin and Goo Dolls. Not even a yeah, because now I can put it on and pretend I'm watching that dog commercial with all the dogs dying. And, uh, can just do it on my own time.

Ryan: I think to be 100% fair, I've never won anything in any of these contests. So I'm, like, immediately skeptical.

Josh: I just won $50 on a fucking scratch off.

Laura: You did?

Josh: I did.

Ryan: Sake. Well, some of us are born lucky.

Josh: Clearly. Everybody that knows me just like, man, there goes a lucky fucking guy.

Ryan: I am so happy that's what you said. Oh, boy.

Josh: So Doom Generation does have a dick in it. That's cool. It's not real.

Ryan: It's obviously not a real dick.

Josh: Maybe they cut off fucking James Deval's dick. You don't know. Have you seen his dick since?

Laura: No, not really.

Ryan: Not really.

Josh: It's like yeah, you never see Clark Kent and Superman at the same place. Same thing. James dick. It's separate because it's separate.

Laura: Well, that's good news. That's good news.