On the BiTTE

The Terminator

Episode Summary

The Terminator (1984), you've seen it. Right? Good. We finally get to break down Arnold Schwarzenegger's first and only full-frontal, but this is basically an excuse to watch and talk about The Terminator.

Episode Notes

The Terminator (1984), our 2nd film of 2022! We get to break down Arnold Schwarzenegger's only full-frontal nude scene, but it's just an excuse for us to chat about The Terminator, which is obviously (spoilers) a 5-star film. James Cameron's (essentially) directorial debut, and an instant classic. Join us while we revel in the GLORY that is 1984's The Terminator. 

Episode Transcription

00:00.000 --> 00:52.980
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00:52.980 --> 00:57.350
Uh, see, I can't go that high.

00:57.460 --> 00:58.614
Then you have to do the beginning.

00:58.722 --> 01:09.360

01:09.360 --> 01:22.850
Uh, uh.

01:22.850 --> 01:23.322

01:23.396 --> 01:24.318
That was really good.

01:24.404 --> 01:36.330
Wow. That was something, wasn't it? Um.

01:36.330 --> 01:48.566
Well, hello there. Welcome to On The Bitte, the podcast that uncovers full frontal male nudity in cinema. My name is Laura and I'm joined by my co host, Ryan.

01:48.758 --> 01:49.438

01:49.584 --> 01:55.090
Hey, Ryan. This is happening. This is happening. This is really happening.

01:55.200 --> 01:56.530
Are you quite excited for this one?

01:56.580 --> 02:06.714
Yes. Mhm am I the 84 action scifi film The Terminator?

02:06.882 --> 02:12.770
Yeah, The Terminator. So where do we begin?

02:12.770 --> 02:19.546
We begin with Arnold Schwarzenegger, who's obviously the T 800. The Terminator.

02:19.678 --> 02:21.770
Your clothes give them to me.

02:21.770 --> 02:24.802
Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor. Iconic.

02:24.946 --> 02:25.290

02:25.340 --> 02:32.442
And Michael Baine. Kyle Reese. There's more people in this movie, too. Yeah, it's a shit ton is their top three.

02:32.576 --> 02:45.110
Yes. There's a bunch of folks who end up being kind of James Cameron. I'm going to call him JC because I feel like we can sweet. Yes. Uh, not to be confused with Jesus Christ.

02:45.110 --> 02:48.082
Interchangeable. No, Cameron's, not Jesus.

02:48.166 --> 02:51.530
No, don't say that. Jesus.

02:51.530 --> 02:53.630
I mean, James.

02:53.630 --> 03:15.286
Sorry, James. Yeah. Um, well, they end up being a bunch of folk who end up being, uh, staples, uh, and films that he makes. After this one, we would probably say. Or at least he regards The Terminator to be his debut, even though literally it isn't his directorial debut.

03:15.358 --> 03:16.670

03:16.670 --> 03:24.230
But, um, let's get a little bit more into James Cameron. I don't think we'd ever have this day where we were able to talk away James Cameron length.

03:24.230 --> 03:35.946
It's funny because I've been doing this research for, I don't know, 15 years or something. I can't remember since 2007.

03:36.068 --> 03:38.030
That's a long time.

03:38.030 --> 03:39.570
Yeah, 14 years.

03:39.620 --> 03:42.770
Yeah. I was still at University in 2007.

03:42.770 --> 03:47.142
Yeah. I've been compiling this research for so long.

03:47.276 --> 03:55.374
Bombing a boat, getting a fucking film degree. That means nothing. That's not true. I've made a lot of things. Yeah, it was worth it.

03:55.472 --> 03:56.130

03:56.300 --> 03:59.150
And Riddle yourself with debt.

03:59.150 --> 04:13.850
You are not riddled with debt. I got a master's degree in archeology and I will never get out of that hole. But I'm Tish. But I'm Tosh because they're too big in the ground.

04:13.910 --> 04:15.370
Yeah, you need to figure that one out.

04:15.480 --> 04:29.370
Yeah, well, I need to figure my job out, but I've seen this movie in insurmountable amount of times. Like, so many times I've seen this movie because it's fucking awesome.

04:29.370 --> 04:39.550
Terminator and RoboCop were kind of like they were the sorts of films that my dad would let me see, even though I was definitely too young to see them.

04:39.720 --> 04:48.610
I was watching horror movies instead. Like, I was watching Nightmare, Home Street type of stuff. I didn't see RoboCop until I was freaking 30 years old or something.

04:48.660 --> 04:51.310
There's plenty of horror inspiration in The Terminator, though.

04:51.420 --> 04:52.018

04:52.164 --> 04:59.970
I mean, JC said himself that, uh, after he watched Halloween, that was what inspired him to make The Terminator.

04:59.970 --> 05:13.546
Yeah. And I think a lot of the I also had read that a lot of the ideas were from, like, a nightmare he had while he was working on the Piranha movie because he hated it so much.

05:13.668 --> 05:17.374
Yeah. No, we had a lot of problems making. Well, that was Piranha, too.

05:17.472 --> 05:19.210
Yeah, the Piranha movie, too.

05:19.380 --> 05:25.138
So I guess we can get to that. And I'll give you more kind of details as to that.

05:25.284 --> 05:43.094
What I was meaning to say is that I've seen this movie a million times, and I never realized that his Dick was in it, even though that seems to be like it is my thing. It's my thing to like, right now. He think I just love this movie so much that I never really sat down and was like, oh, my God, that's Arnold Schwarzenegger's penis. Very beginning of this film.

05:43.142 --> 05:43.390

05:43.440 --> 05:45.602
But anyway, go on, tell me about JC.

05:45.686 --> 06:17.990
Yeah, we'll get to that. We'll get to that eventually. James Cameron is one of the few names where he doesn't really need much in the way of explanation, or at least in terms of his name, I feel still holds quite a fair amount of weight within the film industry to this day, even if he's done a very good job of, uh, making it. Not. So.

06:17.990 --> 06:20.358
There any specifics you want to bring up?

06:20.444 --> 06:29.298
Avatar? Yeah, I guess is my main beef with kind of things like that. And I don't hate Avatar either. You think about probably want to see four films of it.

06:29.324 --> 06:37.174
Like how much money Avatar made. Right. And then can you think of anyone that actually owns that film? What do you mean, Avatar?

06:37.342 --> 06:38.250
Who owns it?

06:38.300 --> 06:39.882
Yeah. Like, who loved it so much?

06:39.956 --> 06:40.398
I don't know.

06:40.424 --> 06:42.442
It that they were like, I need to buy Avatar.

06:42.526 --> 06:49.010
The thing is, it made so much money, and it was purely only good on the big screen.

06:49.010 --> 06:54.954
Actually, we watched that episode of How To with John Wilson, and there was that Avatar meet up group.

06:55.112 --> 06:55.614

06:55.712 --> 06:56.550
In that show.

06:56.660 --> 07:08.146
Well, the thing is, and I knew this well before we saw that How To episode with John Wilson. And if nobody knows what we're talking about, it's a documentary series created, um, by John Wilson. It's on HBO.

07:08.278 --> 07:09.706
It is phenomenal.

07:09.838 --> 07:11.194
I recommend it very highly.

07:11.242 --> 07:12.046
So funny.

07:12.118 --> 07:31.242
Yeah. And his is a very kind of on the streets look at New York. And certainly his series. The end of his first season, going into second season, bridges the gap between when the pandemic was just about to start and then when we were right in the middle of it. It's also very interesting to kind of see how people are and behaving and things like that. It's very interesting.

07:31.316 --> 07:32.446
Very funny.

07:32.578 --> 07:53.510
Anyway, he ends up going to this focus group like this. Basically, it's kind of like an AA meeting. So people go to this group to discuss Pandora and the, uh, nature and the principles of Pandora because people watch Avatar and they get depressed because it looks so beautiful.

07:53.510 --> 08:01.522
Maybe I need to watch it again because I don't remember feeling so connected or maybe so disconnected from watching that film.

08:01.606 --> 08:09.750
The, um, only feeling I got was when the ship goes over the waterfall and it does this funny thing and it made my stomach feel a bit weird because I saw Avatar in 3D.

08:09.860 --> 08:10.422

08:10.556 --> 08:16.254
If you're going to watch anything in 3D, it was going to be the film that it was effectively made for.

08:16.352 --> 08:19.020
I watched Bayowwolf in 3D.

08:19.020 --> 08:20.838
Um, 3D.

08:20.924 --> 08:23.266
That was my very first IMAX movie. It was a beewolf movie.

08:23.278 --> 08:28.370
I would say, do not go see a 3D movie. Hung over out your fucking pets.

08:28.370 --> 08:29.866
Were you hungover during Avatar?

08:29.938 --> 08:38.610
No, I was hungover during up during. Yeah, I'm there with my mate and stuff. And obviously the first ten minutes of that movie, it's like.

08:38.660 --> 08:40.070
So you're hungover.

08:40.070 --> 08:59.850
We're all crying over 3D. I was crying into my 3D glasses and. Yeah, it was a moment. I do really like that film. Really like that film. Problem is, I have trouble watching it now just because of the memories it gives me from that one moment.

08:59.850 --> 09:03.214
Oh, it's because you're so in love with me. I can't imagine what would happen.

09:03.372 --> 09:04.438
What if you passed away?

09:04.524 --> 09:06.682
Yeah, I'm never going to watch that movie again.

09:06.696 --> 09:25.250
I mean, the thing is, you have the added benefit of having, um, to deal with my body after we're gone. Because there's no fucking way I'm getting past, like, 66. There's no fucking way. I've got 30 years to do all of the things that I want to do, and then I feel like the bucket itself needs to be kicked.

09:25.370 --> 09:25.654

09:25.692 --> 09:35.114
I don't think I have to be done by it, because if I've not done it by then, like, if I've not ticked off a few things off the bucket list, then it needs to be kicked.

09:35.222 --> 09:40.102
Okay. All right, I'll start the clock, uh, right now. Don't worry about it.

09:40.296 --> 10:19.142
All right, well, either way, let's talk about James Cameron. Um, James Cameron is a Canadian filmmaker. Uh, no, probably, uh, less for the films, but he's more of an environmentalist now as well. Um, so very much you have seen things like Aliens of the Deep and his uh, documentaries delving deeper into the wars and things like that. Very much a product of his success or egomania from uh, how Titanic was the biggest thing on the fucking planet.

10:19.226 --> 10:19.726

10:19.848 --> 10:22.630
Which still boggles my mind to this day. Right.

10:22.680 --> 10:23.762
What? It was so popular.

10:23.846 --> 10:25.060
Oh, yeah.

10:25.060 --> 10:29.306
Uh, that movie just like turned me into a real woman.

10:29.438 --> 10:32.830

10:32.830 --> 10:34.410
Thank you, Leonardo DiCaprio.

10:34.470 --> 11:00.978
Okay. Yeah. We're going to do an episode where we track your desires and passions over the years as like a youngster into what effectively turns you into inadvertent cause a woman. Right, right. I think I'd be very interesting to track if something we've spoken about before we could make a documentary on it.

11:01.124 --> 11:03.770
I know who's next on the list.

11:03.770 --> 11:45.942
Anyway, that's for another day. Anyway. And I guess the reason I say that kind of boils my mind is like this guy is like one of the most bankable filmmakers on the planet. The guy makes films that bank like super hard. And I guess he has relatively quite humble beginnings. I guess he has the same sort of like backstory as a lot of other kind of filmmakers that end up making a relatively quite big budget like cinema, uh, spectacles basically. And they saw George Lucas is Star Wars back in the day. They wanted to make movies, simple as that. Yeah, right.

11:46.016 --> 11:46.434

11:46.532 --> 12:40.858
And obviously Star Wars is influential in so many other different kinds of ways in terms of Sci-Fi and where Sci-Fi goes in cinema and things. So I think it's also a very good kind of starting point for most people anyway, but carrying on so relatively humble beginnings, he's working as a truck driver and he decides to quit his um, job to go work and film. So for the most part he's working as like a PA. He's like a production assistant. He ends up working as a miniature model maker. Our director, production designer and main designer. And that's mostly because he works on stuff for the Roger Corman company. Right. And this is into the 70s and then obviously leading into the as. So in terms of stuff that he's worked on rock and Roll High School, that will be on the stars, which you will see a lot of like the kind of set design and things in that. And exactly the same with Galaxy of Terror. And I'm assuming. I think that will be on the stars and Galaxy of Terror, I think they use the same sets.

12:41.014 --> 12:41.766

12:41.948 --> 13:13.709
But you can uh, kind of notice that with the long haul way. And obviously there's like egg tops and stuff going on, but the way that it's, um, kind of put together and it's built in things. Very influential, very interesting. And this is maybe about the same time as Alien or maybe just after, um, because Alien again, is another one that kind of breaks the mold. Is probably one of the best design films that's ever been made. Ever. And he also was our director on John Carpenter's Escape from New York. Oh, um.

13:13.709 --> 13:14.766
Shit. Yeah, yeah.

13:14.828 --> 13:23.986
So there's plenty of stuff there. So effectively his directorial debut comes with Piranha too. That's spawning.

13:24.118 --> 13:24.810
Oh, nice.

13:24.920 --> 13:51.530
Yeah. And that's purely because the original director, I can't remember his name. I think it's Mike. Mike something rather, but maybe you can figure out. I didn't think we talked about it for very long, but yeah, uh, he's the special effects director on Parano Two. And because of the amount of conflicts between the original director and the production company, Mike's gone.

13:51.530 --> 13:52.218
Oh, wow.

13:52.304 --> 13:55.438
Joe, uh, Dante did the original Piranha.

13:55.594 --> 13:55.914

13:55.952 --> 13:59.094
Is that 78 at 78? This is Piranha Two.

13:59.192 --> 14:00.994
I know, but I wanted to get the first movie.

14:01.102 --> 14:17.970
Okay. So basically there was conflicts between that and the production company. James Cameron ends up having been forced into the role to finish directing Piranha Two. Uh, and he doesn't really like Piranha Two that much. He doesn't really bother with it.

14:18.140 --> 14:19.686
Lance Henrikson isn't, uh, it.

14:19.748 --> 14:20.226

14:20.348 --> 14:23.134
That's maybe why they became best friends, potentially.

14:23.242 --> 14:34.734
I think a lot of where Cameron gets a lot of it's kind of start up is from the people he worked with on the, uh, Corn production, basically.

14:34.832 --> 14:35.682
That's cool.

14:35.816 --> 15:18.690
So like, I would say personally, he's got very kind of similar to beginnings to say, like Ridley Scott, who is also set designer, set decorator, illustrator. Uh, so you see, as they start to move into doing feature filmmaking, they're taking a lot of those skills forward right into a point. It feels like they're pioneering to certain extent. Like, you look at the model work in Alien, you look at the model work in like, Aliens, or you look at the model work and say, this first Terminator movie that we're going to be looking at, it looks very fresh, it looks very original, looks very clean, and it doesn't jar in any way, shape or form.

15:18.800 --> 15:19.218

15:19.304 --> 15:23.266
I would say there's probably some rough edges in The Terminator.

15:23.458 --> 15:24.102

15:24.236 --> 15:31.314
But I agree it's, uh, all starting to lead towards being more pioneering in this field at the time.

15:31.412 --> 15:32.106
Still perfect.

15:32.228 --> 16:15.018
Yeah. It doesn't detract from anything. So James Cameron writes The Terminator in Four and you're going to call it like, this is his directorial debut, basically. So he writes The Terminator the same year he, uh, co wrote Rambo Two with Sylvester. And obviously I have to point this out. Like, he goes from making The Terminator in 84, immediately goes on and makes Aliens in 86. So it's a massive markup in quality in terms of where his trajectory is going.

16:15.104 --> 16:16.122
Yeah, absolutely.

16:16.316 --> 16:29.750
Because that is like the breakthrough time. And I mean, the guy goes on to make because we're never going to talk about James Cameron again. So I was like, let's just get it all out because as far as I'm aware, there's not a Dick in True Lies.

16:29.750 --> 16:30.513
Sadly, no.

16:30.513 --> 16:44.954
Um, I mean, this guy goes on immediately. Abyss, Terminator, Two, Judgment Day, True Lies, Titanic, and obviously Avatar. So powerhouse. They're all huge movies. They're massive movies.

16:45.002 --> 16:45.998
I love The Abyss.

16:46.094 --> 17:03.598
The Abyss is really good. Yeah, The Abyss is really good. They're, um, all five star movies, in my opinion. As much as I don't really enjoy Titanic, I've seen Titanic, like, fucking twelve times or something for one reason or another. Like, it's just been on like, everyone had that on video.

17:03.744 --> 17:05.734
Oh, yeah, I got it the day it came out.

17:05.832 --> 17:06.394
Everyone had.

17:06.432 --> 17:23.970
I bought it. My mom bought me. It was from Blockbuster. You could get a pre order, like, little coupon ticket thing from Blockbuster. And so when it came out, you had a reserved VHS copy, the two VHS tape set.

17:23.970 --> 17:25.110

17:25.110 --> 17:34.558
And so I could go in the, uh, day, I was like, I want my mom him up was like, 10:00 A.m.. And I was like, Bring me to fucking Blockbuster, mom. So I could get my VHS of Titanic. It's a big deal.

17:34.644 --> 17:37.630

17:37.630 --> 17:44.234
Arnold Schwarzenegger had to finish wrapping cone in The Destroyer because he was contractually obligated to.

17:44.260 --> 17:47.814
Uh, do that film before Dino Del Orientas would have had him under the thumb.

17:47.862 --> 17:51.790
Oh, yeah. Um, at least they remained friends.

17:51.790 --> 17:53.258
Yes, that's what it sounds like.

17:53.284 --> 17:55.930
At least.

17:55.930 --> 18:03.070
He goes back to that Godfather quote, which we all know, keep your friends close and your enemies close there.

18:03.070 --> 18:21.430
Anyway, he had to wrap filming on Conan before he could film The Terminator. And so James Cameron's like, Well, I'm not going to do it without him. So he spent that time that's when he wrote Aliens, it was like during that six month span of time insane that he had. Yeah.

18:21.430 --> 18:33.750
No, I mean, uh, he's a guy. Wouldn't say he's a guy who's able to kind of achieve the impossible because there's only so many films that he's got on his docket anyway. But in terms of making a sequel to Alien.

18:33.870 --> 18:40.450
The fact that he was able to do it is mindblowing, because Aliens is like.

18:40.450 --> 18:42.910
It'S probably better than Alien.

18:42.910 --> 18:49.958
How can you do that? I can't even imagine he did it. So, yeah, he did good for him because it's awesome.

18:50.104 --> 18:50.630

18:50.740 --> 19:29.378
So good. There was some weird people. I was going to bring it up later, but since I was talking about him having to wait for Arnold before he films the movie, but there were some interesting choices by the studio and interesting choices made. I guess James Cameron wanted. Lance Henrikson originally asked The Terminator until I think he met. He was introduced to Arnold at a party as Mr. Universe, and he's like, oh, interesting. Obviously, that makes sense. But I guess at the original pitch meeting, Lance Henderson was, like, dressed in leathers and kicked the door open.

19:29.524 --> 19:29.942

19:30.016 --> 19:36.190
And was like playing the role of The Terminator, which I thought was super interesting.

19:36.190 --> 20:28.090
Well, yeah, I guess if we think about that kind of how understate, I guess The Terminator would have felt in there as opposed to being this gigantic imposing figure, because, again, this is still very early days for Schwarzenegger and film and stuff, because Kona and the Barbarian is a hit. But, uh, it's not really showing much of his acting chops, because, let's be fair, sports Nigger at this point is much of an actor. Right. He's not really given New York. Yeah. He is performing probably not to the best of his abilities. He does get better. Right. But I think that's obviously that's a very clever ploy by Cameron is that he's a big, imposing figure. You don't have to get him to save very much just his mere presence on screen.

20:28.090 --> 20:28.454

20:28.492 --> 20:30.446
That doesn't have to do it.

20:30.568 --> 20:41.650
He had 24 lines in Conan the Barbarian, and James Cameron mhm wanted him to speak even less because it's more frightening.

20:41.650 --> 20:42.086

20:42.148 --> 20:45.246
And he only had 14 lines in this entire film.

20:45.318 --> 20:49.014
Yeah. His body does all the legwork in this movie.

20:49.182 --> 20:52.910
Even when he does that little hop over the curb that you love.

20:52.960 --> 21:24.514
Yeah. I guess that's the main thing. And I think what they were trying to do is that they didn't want Arnold to blink. They didn't want Arnold to emote. But there are certain things that they just could not obviously control. And it's like, he's going to blink when they fire a gun because it fucking makes a flash. And he's going to blink when it happens. There's also other things where he's going to wince when he crashes through a fucking door. Because he's crashing through a fucking door.

21:24.562 --> 21:25.062

21:25.196 --> 21:49.710
And he's also going to do strange little hops when he jumps onto curbs and stuff where he's like, he parks up the station wagon and there's a guy on the phone, some fat dude with a beard wearing his fucking dungarees, and he does this tiny hop, uh, like up onto the curve. And I'm like, Germany. I wouldn't do that.

21:49.710 --> 21:51.202
But the thing is, he did.

21:51.276 --> 21:56.590
He did.

21:56.590 --> 21:57.942
I love that little hop.

21:58.026 --> 22:03.690
Yeah. We can talk about the film Endlessly. It's one of our favorite films.

22:03.750 --> 22:04.226

22:04.348 --> 22:07.062
I really enjoy. Obviously, the score is fantastic.

22:07.146 --> 22:07.742
Oh, my God.

22:07.816 --> 22:18.130
It's like one of the most iconic scores ever written. Brad Feedal. And he came back to, um, do the music for Germany, too.

22:18.130 --> 22:20.700

22:20.700 --> 22:24.642
Um, well, he does a bunch of Cameron stuff, actually. Raphael.

22:24.726 --> 22:31.690
Yes. I don't think I wrote down the camera and stuff he did, but I wrote down, like, Fright Night, Serpent and the Rainbow. Johnny Mnemonic.

22:31.690 --> 22:32.574
Johnny Mnemonic.

22:32.622 --> 22:40.630
Yeah. Do you know that he was in Holland Oats for six months during the 70s? He played the keyboard for Hollow notes.

22:40.630 --> 22:42.950
Yeah, I did not know that. That's why you're here.

22:43.000 --> 22:45.970
That's why I'm here.

22:45.970 --> 23:00.210
And then. Yeah. Adam Greenberg shoots, um, this shoot this movie as well. He also shoots Terminator two, uh, later on, and a bunch of other stuff like Santa Claus, too. Ghost. Bunch of shit. Yeah, tons of shit.

23:00.270 --> 23:04.686
Junior. Three men and a baby and a little lady.

23:04.818 --> 23:32.150
Pretty much the Adam Greenberg Luke, um, is that he's able to kind of sculpture faces, like, really well, like, sculpt them in light, which I quite like. I put him towards, uh, Make Arnold and stuff like the very best that they can do because he's got a fantastic, uh, facial structure. Yeah. Hold on.

23:32.150 --> 23:33.874
You've got the bad pop shield.

23:34.042 --> 23:43.050
The bad pop shield. Because everything's a fucking joke in this market, this racket that we're fucking trying to.

23:43.050 --> 24:23.790
Are you ready for the synopsis? It is a lot. So it's a little bananas. I mean, obviously the premise of this film is absolutely bananas. Yeah, but I'm going to try to read this without fucking it up. Okay, let me put on my movie voice. In the postapocalyptic future reigning tyrannical supercomputers teleport, a Cyborg assassin known as The Terminator, back to kill Sarah Connor, whose unborn son is destined to lead insurgents against 21st century mechanical hegemony.

24:23.790 --> 24:26.010
Hegemony hegemony.

24:26.010 --> 24:28.382
I have no idea how to do that. Hegemony hegemony.

24:28.466 --> 24:30.390

24:30.390 --> 24:35.938
21St century mechanical hegemony. What does that word even mean?

24:36.024 --> 24:38.510
Hegemony. That's a mouthful.

24:38.570 --> 24:39.630
I know.

24:39.630 --> 24:47.810
Is, um, that Cameron right there. I don't know, because I don't know how you would react to that in a pitch meeting.

24:47.870 --> 24:54.910
I know. Hegemony hegemony. I think I had it. Right, right. Google to say it for me.

24:54.960 --> 24:56.222
I know, but, like, the way America.

24:56.246 --> 24:57.170

24:57.350 --> 24:58.042
Right. Okay.

24:58.116 --> 24:59.726
All right. Hegemony.

24:59.798 --> 25:00.598
What does it mean?

25:00.684 --> 25:06.118
Jesus Christ. Leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others.

25:06.264 --> 25:06.718

25:06.804 --> 25:25.670
21St century mechanical hegemony. God. I have a master's degree and I can't read. I'm not done with the synopsis. Meanwhile, the human resistance movement dispatches a lone warrior to safeguard Sarah. Can he stop the virtually indestructible killing machine?

25:25.790 --> 25:27.742
Oh, Jesus. Right. Okay.

25:27.936 --> 25:29.074
Right. That was a mess.

25:29.172 --> 25:30.170
That's a my fool.

25:30.230 --> 25:35.250
Sorry, Tagline. Your future is in his hands.

25:35.250 --> 25:37.202
Whose hands? I'm not the Terminator.

25:37.286 --> 26:02.278
Maybe it's weird that this analysis is really kind of highlighting Kyle Reese as, like, the savior, the star of this whole thing, but mhm it's not really. I don't know. I almost feel like everyone has equal pull in this movie. Like The Terminator, Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor all kind of like.

26:02.304 --> 26:43.002
Yeah, Sarah Connor has got to go through that journey where she's able to save herself and stuff like that so that she becomes the person that she's destined to be. And I think that's something I quite like. And that's something you see in camera and stuff is just the prevalence of very strong female, uh, characters that are written relatively quite well, and they're developed so nothing that he's not been able to do, I guess. That's an interesting thing about the film in general. There's some reviews online and some of this shit forecasting shade on The Terminator saying it's fucking boring.

26:43.146 --> 26:45.570
I can't imagine anyone saying this movie is boring.

26:45.630 --> 27:11.094
Because the thing is, if you say The Terminator is boring, then effectively you have a problem with just mainstream movies and what they are in general. Because effectively, The Terminator is just one long chase movie, uh, with a few, like, set pieces and stuff like that. That's effectively what all of The Terminator films are. It's chase films.

27:11.262 --> 27:21.610
This movie starts in the kind of post apocalyptic world, right? Like, that's how it opens.

27:21.610 --> 27:27.482
Yeah. It opens on basically like nuclear fallout. La.

27:27.616 --> 27:28.130

27:28.240 --> 27:45.550
And then it has this cool thing where the Hunter killer comes over the top and then it pans across and then we see the rolling tanks, like the other Hunter killers, like, rolling around and stuff like that. I think we see someone running around and then someone gets killed.

27:45.550 --> 27:50.230
Yeah. I was just going to say how it says Los Angeles. 2029.

27:50.230 --> 27:51.566
Yeah. We're not far off.

27:51.628 --> 27:52.610

27:52.720 --> 27:53.710

27:53.710 --> 28:02.642
Oh, dear. And I'm like, oh, Ryan, we only have seven years to get our shit together, but then the global nuclear war starts way before.

28:02.836 --> 28:03.614
Yeah, it does.

28:03.712 --> 28:04.394
Sky. Net.

28:04.492 --> 28:06.250

28:06.250 --> 28:06.978

28:07.134 --> 28:22.050
Yeah. It's going to be a shame for everybody. We're going to fix this pandemic and hopefully get our shit under control. And then Skynet is going to switch on and, uh, then obliterate all of us as a countermeasure.

28:22.170 --> 28:30.294
Yeah, that's true. And Sarah Connor is only 19 in this movie. Did you know that her character is 19?

28:30.402 --> 28:31.034

28:31.192 --> 28:34.630
Yeah, I thought it was interesting. She's very young.

28:34.630 --> 28:40.511
Yeah, that's fine. That's okay. I mean, I have a bigger problem with her scooter.

28:40.511 --> 28:52.694
Um, no, the Honda, uh, Elite Ch 125. I have that written down. I also have a photo in my phone and I sometimes check on Auto Trader to see if I can buy that scooter for myself.

28:52.792 --> 29:02.350
Okay. Because it looks like the robot from Rocky Four. Happy birthday, Polly. It looks like that fucking thing every time I see it.

29:02.350 --> 29:04.578
Don't compare it to the Rocky movies.

29:04.734 --> 29:11.050
Why not? It looks like the robot from Rocky Four. Happy birthday, Poly.

29:11.050 --> 29:15.002
I love that scooter. I think it looks really cool. It looks really heavy too.

29:15.136 --> 29:24.790
It does. I mean, it's also one of the things other than everybody's hair and the music and stuff is that it dates it. It dates the film, like, quite heavily.

29:24.790 --> 29:26.620
Yeah, I guess.

29:26.620 --> 29:30.610
Um, you know what decade this film is made in?

29:30.610 --> 29:34.130
What's the date.

29:34.130 --> 29:37.250
If, uh, you not see my Nikes.

29:37.250 --> 29:39.770
What year is it?

29:39.770 --> 30:30.374
We just see a real bright light. Yeah. Because every other playing member. The film does a very good job of making the Earth. And I don't know if it's like la. Maybe just la in general, but it's a completely undesirable place to be that requires a nuclear strike in order to, uh, wipe it clean because everyone's an asshole. Like everyone's a complete fucking asshole. In the movie, all the bit park players, like the garbage truck driver, all the patrons in the restaurant. Sarah Connor's fucking absent boyfriend. Who's a fucking asshole. The guy on the payphone.

30:30.542 --> 30:37.410
You know that voice message she gets? Uh, on her answering machine message? That's James Cameron's voice.

30:37.410 --> 30:39.286
Oh, really? There you go.

30:39.408 --> 30:41.998
Breaking up with her mhm or breaking off the date.

30:42.084 --> 30:47.854
Well, yeah, he wasn't with her at that point. Seriously? Because he was married to Lindell Hammond for a couple of years.

30:47.952 --> 30:52.050
1990. Um, seven to boom.

30:52.050 --> 30:54.130
Yeah. This is also well before then anyway.

30:54.180 --> 30:57.946
But he waited until she hulked out after T two.

30:58.128 --> 31:00.926
Yeah. Those fucking shoulders.

31:01.058 --> 31:03.170
She had 1% body fat.

31:03.350 --> 31:03.802

31:03.876 --> 31:09.686
During Terminator two, she like trained with an ex Israeli fighter.

31:09.818 --> 31:13.930
Wow. Crap MAGA.

31:13.930 --> 31:17.786
Yeah. Only 3 hours a day.

31:17.908 --> 31:18.230

31:18.280 --> 31:23.358
But for six months. And then she had like 1% body fat and was super ripped.

31:23.514 --> 31:28.690
She does look ripped. She looks like she could fucking snap your neck. She probably could. Yeah.

31:28.690 --> 31:37.514
It's like my dream. I post a picture of her from Terminator Two and I'm like, that's what I want it to look like. But I'm not dedicated in any sort of way to try that hard.

31:37.612 --> 31:43.970
No, because it does require work. Just seeing that you're going to do it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to happen.

31:44.080 --> 31:45.698
Try to will it into being.

31:45.844 --> 31:47.966
Yeah, try your best.

31:48.028 --> 31:49.310
She looks so cool.

31:49.480 --> 31:51.038
Yeah, that's in Terminator two, though.

31:51.064 --> 31:58.826
She looks cool in this movie too, because she's got the scooter. I like her feathered hair, tight shirt. Um, I take it.

31:59.008 --> 32:10.450
Yeah. There's a lot of very memorable parts of the film and I mean, you can go into them and stuff. And I thought I'd do the Arnold accent a little bit more.

32:10.450 --> 32:12.770
Well, we haven't even talked about him yet. Really?

32:12.880 --> 32:31.254
No, not really. I think because the way they come into the movie is obviously they're traveling through the time portal and nothing inorganic can come. So that's why the Terminator is covered in flesh is because nothing inorganic can go through the time portal.

32:31.302 --> 32:32.030
I didn't know that.

32:32.080 --> 32:35.214
Yeah, well, they explain it for whatever reason in the movie.

32:35.322 --> 32:47.382
Well, I thought that he had the fleshy skin because it was like rubber before and it was so obvious that they were Terminators and so they put the fleshy skin on them so they were indetectable.

32:47.466 --> 33:24.342
Well, it's also they didn't know how to do the title. It's also a two fold thing. So nothing inorganic can come back is what it was, right? That's why they couldn't send back guns and things. Because that's what happens when Kyle Reese gets arrested and he's talking to the psychotherapist and he's just like, why don't you bring back a Ray gun? And he's like, nothing inorganic will go, Asshole, why am I talking to you? Because I thought about that. I was like, what if they just covered the Ray gun skin growth? Yes. And it was just covering a Ray gun.

33:24.426 --> 33:25.238
Oh, my God.

33:25.324 --> 33:26.786
Yeah, that would work, right?

33:26.848 --> 33:27.858
That's insane.

33:28.014 --> 33:29.810
That's some, like, Ed Keen shit, right?

33:29.860 --> 33:31.390

33:31.390 --> 33:36.650
That's maybe going a bit too far. Yeah.

33:36.650 --> 33:55.910
The full frontal penis scene comes in five minutes and 26 seconds into this film, right at the tippy top, um, of the movie. And it's when we see The Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, uh, come through that time portal and do the coolest pose move.

33:55.910 --> 33:56.418

33:56.504 --> 33:57.114
Stands out.

33:57.152 --> 34:03.590
Yeah. The thing the film does very well is that both characters are introduced the exact same way.

34:03.590 --> 34:06.830
And you're one a lot cooler than the other.

34:06.830 --> 34:12.330
Yeah, well, one is a lot more human than the other one. It's not difficult to figure that one out.

34:12.380 --> 34:12.594

34:12.632 --> 34:32.682
But the thing is that there's a suspension of disbelief and that you don't know which one's coming to save her and which one's not. Right until obviously, like, he knocks on the door of that one girl and he's like. And then she goes, yeah. And he just shoots her in the face six times. Yeah, plenty of times.

34:32.816 --> 34:34.790

34:34.790 --> 34:50.994
But, um, like I said, there's plenty of times where, uh, they both come in completely naked to the world. It just so happens that Michael Baine is able to find trousers very fast. Arnold has to go out asking for them.

34:51.032 --> 34:52.842
He steals them from a homeless man.

34:52.976 --> 34:59.546
Yeah, that's for that stuff. He took my apart, uh, through my pants.

34:59.618 --> 35:08.010
Yes. And then he ends up, like, hiding in a clothing store so he can find clothes that still look terrible because those cool Nikes.

35:08.010 --> 35:11.306
Fantastic. Fucking Nike. I've always wanted a pair of those Nikes.

35:11.378 --> 35:11.842
Oh, wow.

35:11.916 --> 35:36.346
And I don't know if I could get away with them. The thing is, they're, um. Yeah, but then there's, like, the self lacing shoes from Back to the Future, too, as well. And they were fine, but I don't know if you get away with them now. You know what I mean? Like, it's very kind of like the Velcro. I've got a problem with the Velcro. I, uh, think those Nikes are actually all right. I like a good old high top.

35:36.468 --> 35:37.186
Yeah, for sure.

35:37.248 --> 35:43.318
Yeah. I mean, I'd quite enjoy a high top Nike, but I just don't know if I could get away with this.

35:43.344 --> 35:43.978
We'll see.

35:44.124 --> 35:48.742
Yes, I guess so. I'm just planting the seeds for Christmas presents further down the line.

35:48.816 --> 35:57.674
Yeah, well, uh, Arnold has to get closed from a bunch of punks that are looking through a telescope.

35:57.782 --> 36:02.074
So good, so good. This is also the Dixie, by the way.

36:02.112 --> 36:04.586
Yeah. Five minutes, 26 seconds.

36:04.718 --> 36:13.934
We're not going to explain every beat of The Terminator. You fucking assholes can go watch it yourselves. They've seen it or they've seen it, and they said it was boring.

36:13.982 --> 36:16.486
I don't know who those people are. That seems wild. To me.

36:16.548 --> 36:19.646
Well, no, because the internet is an open cesspool.

36:19.778 --> 36:30.030
Fair enough. Well we get to see punk rock Paxson in the Terminator which is so good and he's uh, got the blue hair.

36:30.030 --> 36:34.582
Doesn't one of them have like does it look like they've got like marks on their face?

36:34.656 --> 36:36.093
I think that's Bill Paxton. It's um.

36:36.093 --> 36:56.818
Like he's got tire tracks on his face because the exact same character I think it's clone from the Akira. It's either the film adaption of Akira uh, or it's in the book. But one of the main boys clown, right. He's the leader of the rival bike gang. He has the tire tread thing I remember in the center of his face.

36:56.904 --> 37:07.690
I haven't finished the movie yet but I remember that part because.

37:07.690 --> 37:27.342
The book was around for a decade before the film was made. It might be 80 88 yeah well that'd be cool. I don't know if he took that little aspect of like the because Terminator is very much kind of grounded in Cyberpunk like big time.

37:27.416 --> 37:29.706
We uh, would have had to have gotten it from the book.

37:29.828 --> 37:42.606
Yeah well James Cameron is obviously a Prevailer of manga anyway because he ended up producing and writing The Battle Angela Leah film. Right so he's known about that shit for a long time.

37:42.668 --> 37:44.450

37:44.450 --> 37:51.142
Yeah I mean that film came out Holy thank uh, God for James Cameron. That fucking film came out insane. Insane.

37:51.286 --> 37:52.078
Yeah it wasn't.

37:52.114 --> 38:03.830
It was a 37 year old saying that on the big screen I was like what the fuck? There's no way but yeah, the Bill Paxton, uh, punk trio so funny. It's really good.

38:03.830 --> 38:10.938
He walks up needing clothes. Yes he just says like give me your clothes well no.

38:10.964 --> 39:05.110
The one he takes the close from goes to because Bill Paston is like monitor and he breaks the glass and they're looking through telescope like pure telescopes, um, look over the sea, whatever, right? And the guy turns around, he goes what's wrong with this picture? They all turn and see and basically Arnold is completely in the nutty and comes and just walks over so obviously completely wide. Massive shock because Arnold is huge. This is like Pete Arnold at this point and he just starts dredging up so everything's all out. Tackle out. Yeah he's just walking over and he comes up to them and he goes your clothes, give them to me. Wash day. Nothing clean, right? Nothing clean, right.

39:05.110 --> 39:05.690

39:05.800 --> 39:07.502
They all pull knives on them.

39:07.636 --> 39:08.294

39:08.452 --> 39:30.430
Because this is where he um, learns like the fuck you asshole and stuff like that that all kind of came in because these are all words like he uses all of these later on. These are all words he picks up from the world. He's now treasuring around and trying to obviously kill every sericoner that isn't existing.

39:30.430 --> 39:34.410
Yeah I like when he puts it in his Rolodex of phrases.

39:34.530 --> 39:43.254
Yes. And he does. He says it later. I don't know. How do you dispatch Bill Paxton in that scene?

39:43.302 --> 39:50.658
I think there's a bottle or something. I think he rips someone's heart out. Like he just pushes his hand through someone's chest.

39:50.814 --> 39:51.422

39:51.556 --> 39:56.226
And then he pushes somebody. I don't know if there was like a bottle involved.

39:56.418 --> 40:10.610
I can't remember. He hits the bottle onto the telescope. That's before Arnold turns up, right? They pull the knives and they fight. Uh, so for whatever reason, he like, I don't know, breaks fucking Bill passed and say, I genuinely can't remember.

40:10.720 --> 40:13.622
I thought he just punched through someone's chest. Yeah.

40:13.636 --> 40:22.902
It lifts someone up off the ground by impaling him on his fucking gigantic arm. The other guy ends up just giving him his clothes.

40:22.986 --> 40:23.570
Yeah, of course.

40:23.620 --> 40:24.230
That's what happens.

40:24.280 --> 40:25.382
That's what you're going to do.

40:25.516 --> 40:29.450

40:29.450 --> 40:40.130
What I love so much every time I remember that Bill Paxton is in this movie is that he is the only actor to have been killed by a Terminator in a Xenomorph.

40:40.130 --> 40:43.126
Oh, shit. Wow. There you go. What a legacy.

40:43.198 --> 40:58.642
Terminator. Aliens and Predator, too. Which is funny because I'm like, Lance Henrikson is also in this universe. Each of those universes, but they don't count him as being killed by a Xenomorph because he's an Android.

40:58.786 --> 40:59.274

40:59.372 --> 40:59.922

41:00.056 --> 41:01.150
I think that's bullshit.

41:01.210 --> 41:14.406
I know he gets killed by the T 800. He's killed by a Predator and Alien vs. Predator. And then an alien, he's like, torn apart by the Queen, but they don't count that.

41:14.588 --> 41:16.822
But I'm like, technically, he doesn't die.

41:16.906 --> 41:23.510
He doesn't die. I think he gets shut down. And I don't know if it's Aliens.

41:23.510 --> 41:28.850
No, aliens is where he's in it. And he gets ripped in half. Uh, an Alien Three.

41:28.850 --> 41:29.994
He gets shut down.

41:30.092 --> 41:30.390

41:30.440 --> 41:33.454
An alien, though. Not Aliens. Alien.

41:33.562 --> 41:34.902
No. Alien Three.

41:35.036 --> 41:38.290
No, I'm saying he was originally an alien.

41:38.470 --> 41:52.850
He was originally in Aliens. Yeah. You're getting confused, mhm, because Lance Henryson is not in the Riddley Scott movie. That is Ian Holme who plays the Android.

41:52.850 --> 41:53.322

41:53.396 --> 42:03.442
Right. So Paxton and who did not survive at a Comic Con. Aliens, with your mix ups. You got too much Dick on the brain.

42:03.526 --> 42:04.918
Yeah, I'm allowed.

42:05.074 --> 42:07.010
Well, I guess.

42:07.010 --> 42:14.510
Okay, well, there you go. I mean, they're in an elite club. Even though Lance Henderson is not allowed to be in that club with sweet Bill.

42:14.510 --> 42:32.830
No per Bill. I like that bit where Arnold goes into the gun shop and he gets all those guns. Yeah. Yeah, I think that is really good. If anybody who's ever listened to Arnold cars, they should probably listen to the Terminator, because there's a fantastic rendition of the gun buying in that scene.

42:32.950 --> 42:37.594
It's like getting, like, a plasma shooter or something. He's like, only what's on the wall, pal?

42:37.702 --> 43:00.266
Twelve gauge auto loader. 45 long slide with laser sighting. Phase plasma rifle with a 40 Watt range of what you asked for because I wrote them all down. I knew I was going to do them with the nine, uh, millimeter, because that's all good taste. Like, which one of these will any one of them is suitable for home defense.

43:00.398 --> 43:03.910
Yeah, right. Yeah.

43:03.910 --> 43:14.894
It's like the twelve gauge auto loader. It's just like. Yeah, can I go full auto? Just lay waste or whatever is in his fucking rate. He just starts single hand in that fucking thing.

43:14.932 --> 43:21.074
At one point, he trained to be able to shoot with his left and right hand.

43:21.232 --> 43:21.770

43:21.880 --> 43:24.810
So that he looked like a robot.

43:24.870 --> 43:36.654
It worked. Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I guess that's one of the main things. Yeah, I guess that's one of the main things. He's single handing two handed guns.

43:36.762 --> 43:38.110

43:38.110 --> 43:59.818
And I guess that's kind of the main thing is he does play it better, but I think we have more money in Terminator two in order to make it feel a little bit more like. Because not only that, he has more personality in Terminator too, as well. And he's more robotic, so I don't know if he's able to pull off, like, some sort of impossible feet in Terminator.

43:59.854 --> 44:04.650
He's learning. He's learning.

44:04.650 --> 44:13.878
When he gets into the 90s, that's where it's like, Pete Arnold concerns. So it's fine the way that they're able to take that villain and.

44:13.878 --> 44:24.250
Uh, turn them into, like, one of the best good guys is heroes. Another feat.

44:24.250 --> 44:38.470
It's all penned from the mind of James Cameron, who is now mostly obsessed with Pandora and Water. That's pretty much it.

44:38.470 --> 44:49.406
You know, there's the, um, part where Sarah Connor finds out that all the Sarah Connors are being shot down, and she's, like, sees in the phone book, there's only three. She's the only one left.

44:49.468 --> 44:50.522
Yeah, she's the last one.

44:50.596 --> 45:10.346
And she's, like, having a delightful solo dinner date with herself at this bar slash restaurant, eating an entire pizza. She has a whole pizza. I think she's about to take her very first bite of this pizza and she puts the pizza down to watch the news to find out, like, all these Sarah Connors are dead, right?

45:10.408 --> 45:11.710

45:11.710 --> 45:26.710
And then she leaves the pizza, and I feel like if I found out, I don't know, it's hard to put myself in her shoes. But if I found out a bunch of Laura Hensels were getting, like, gun down, I'd at least take the pizza to go. Because what if it's my last?

45:26.710 --> 45:30.338
Well, you're not listed on the phone registry, are you?

45:30.424 --> 45:34.170
I don't know who is anymore. They don't really deliver those around anymore.

45:34.230 --> 45:42.190
You don't have a landline. We don't really do that. We've never had a landline because it's so expensive. Um, for one, we might be safe.

45:42.190 --> 45:43.866
So I eat my pizza in peace.

45:43.938 --> 46:06.730
Yeah. In terms of, like, where Terminator and stuff goes, I'm assuming they would use the Internet to find their prey. Now, if, for whatever reason, if for whatever reason, you are the savior of the human race who gives birth to the one warrior who trains.

46:06.730 --> 46:10.570
Why can't I just be the savior? Why do I have to birth a son?

46:10.570 --> 46:22.690
Because that's just the way. I don't know. I don't know why John Connor has to do it, but obviously, Sarah Connor doesn't live long enough in order for her to do that sort of thing.

46:22.690 --> 46:23.874
Well, time is flexible.

46:23.922 --> 46:42.314
Well, the thing is, you know what? They fixed it for you in Terminator. Dark Fate, that crystalline piece of shit that came out. So now you should be happy, aren't you? You're happy, um, you're happy now that the savior is a woman? Yes. Right. Of course.

46:42.412 --> 46:43.422
That was a great movie.

46:43.506 --> 46:56.006
Yeah, that was a movie where they were handing out free posters at the screening to the cinema because, uh, we saw it in Scotland. They were handing out free posters. I took one. So I was like, oh, that was cool. And then we saw it, and I put it back.

46:56.068 --> 46:56.582
Yeah, you put it.

46:56.596 --> 47:02.354
Put it back. And I was tempted to put all of the pile into the bin because it was a waste of time.

47:02.452 --> 47:03.938
Yeah, it wasn't very good.

47:04.084 --> 47:13.574
No, it wasn't very good at all. Wasn't very good at all. Uh, but, yeah. Then you tell me something about the movie was originally going to have two, uh, Terminators in it.

47:13.612 --> 47:51.190
Yeah. I think one of the first drafts of the film, James Cameron wanted two Terminators to come back, and, uh, one of them looked like the T 800. And then one of them was like the T 1000 where he's the liquid boy. Yeah, liquid Boy and the robot boy come back, and both of them make it through. But they also had two of the warriors, savior, vigilante boys come back, but one of them dies on the way back in. So you end up with only one Kyle Reese, and then you've got two Terminators. But then he realized that it was too difficult to make the Liquid boy. It would have been too expensive. And he's like, I don't know if we can make it.

47:51.190 --> 48:00.566
Winner the technology to make it something he's been very good at doing is that he develops things, and then he waits for the technology to catch up.

48:00.628 --> 48:11.846
Right. He said that it worked decently well in The Abyss, and he's like, I think we can do that in T two. That's why you have that T 1000 in the Terminator, too.

48:11.968 --> 48:13.330

48:13.330 --> 48:17.210
Judgment Day after. Because it was like. He's like, I can do this now.

48:17.320 --> 48:27.518
Yeah. Mhm. It looks like the fucking Jarrell from Virtual Fighter. That's pretty, uh, much what it is right over me. Right over your head.

48:27.544 --> 48:29.030
I've seen you play that game.

48:29.200 --> 49:27.842
Yeah. We don't know who Jural is. It Jerrell. Jerral. All the nerds out there all get it. The final boss in Virtual Fire is just the T 1000. Except it's a woman or it's a man. I can't remember if it's a woman or a man. I think it may be a woman, uh, with gender that has everybody else is moved and you've got to fight it and it's like the ultimate fighting machine. Whatever. Yeah. Well, the thing is, you brought it up and I was like, because there's been so many misfires with the franchise. Right, right. Because you got Terminator, then you've got Terminator Two. They're effectively the same sort of thing. Just everything is kind of flipped on its head, and then they seal it up like, nice and tight so nobody can fuck with it, basically. Unfortunately. Obviously, uh, because it makes so much money, people end up making in Terminator Three is kind of the same thing as Terminator Two. And you go to Salvation. It's kind of more focused on the nuclear landscape, all that sort of shit. Right.

49:27.916 --> 49:28.190

49:28.240 --> 49:38.898
And then you've got the other two things where we're like, okay, it just ends up looking like a video game. So why hasn't anybody just been like, no, let's have more than one Terminator.

49:39.054 --> 49:39.554

49:39.652 --> 49:58.270
Just do that story. Do that story modern day. Try and change it a little bit so that it kind of makes sense that there was something that didn't go right with Terminator Two so that they can kind of fix it or go a bit for their bike like they did in Genesis. Right?

49:58.270 --> 49:58.814

49:58.912 --> 50:00.050
All that sort of stuff.

50:00.160 --> 50:47.810
I feel like there are so many things that could have happened that didn't happen, and it just kept tripping over itself. And I do not want to see another Terminator movie, because as we've been sitting here, I'm remembering what happened in Dark Fate. So many things that I hated. So many that I don't even want to bring up. No, um, but I don't want it anymore. There's so many great ideas. Or you could make wait, they already did that. I was like, who can make a TV show? But they already had a Sarah Connor, Sarakona Chronicles. Yeah, whatever. But this movie, uh, is obviously perfect, in my opinion. And you've got full rental, and it's great and it's funny and it's scary and cool. Robot CG effects. Got practical effects. Got Weird Arnold face.

50:47.920 --> 50:49.810
What CG effect?

50:49.810 --> 50:59.650
Well, maybe not when he melts all of his skin. Is that not computers?

50:59.770 --> 51:01.018
No, that's stop motion.

51:01.114 --> 51:01.894
That's stop motion.

51:01.942 --> 51:34.102
Yeah, that's stop motion. See that's back in the day, well, remember they were going to do stop motion for all the Dinos in Jurassic Park, but, uh, they always felt like it felt a bit too robotic. Mhm pardon the pun. And that's when they developed a lot more of the CG stuff. That's why CG is used quite sparingly in that movie, because it only goes so far right then it did. Now, obviously, it's far too prevalent, and I feel like it feels a lot of it loses a lot of its soul.

51:34.186 --> 51:34.722
Oh, yeah.

51:34.796 --> 52:08.578
So for the most part. That is the main reason why people look at the Terminator and they go, it's dude. Because again, it's like it's at the cusp of using new to old technology. Because again, The Abyss came out in the early 90s, basically. So that stuff is only just catching up at that point. So, yeah, the thing is the stop motion stuff, all that sort, um, of thing. And the Terminator doesn't really look that bad as far as I don't think it looks bad.

52:08.604 --> 52:12.826
And I guess I get used to saying it's CG. But yeah, obviously it makes sense.

52:12.948 --> 52:17.970
It's because stop motion is a dead art at this point.

52:17.970 --> 52:20.790
I think it still looks really cool.

52:20.790 --> 52:34.642
The only way to use it now is in the artistic, creative sense. You're not going to use it in a live action movie. You're going to do something like Mad God, the anthology series from, uh, continue talking. I'll try and find it.

52:34.716 --> 52:50.250
Oh, yeah. I don't, uh, know what you're talking about, but, you know, I love practical effects. So using that in this movie, despite how funny his face looks when he's cutting open, his face still really cool.

52:50.250 --> 53:03.390
Put it this way. One of the best bits in Ghostbusters Afterlife was when we, um, saw the dog as a model. Like an animatronic model. One of the best bits, uh, and Afterlife was that bit there.

53:03.390 --> 53:07.470
That was cool. I think you looked over at me and we're like, that's real.

53:07.470 --> 53:21.170
And the director of Mad God, for anybody who does not know because it's not being released yet, is Phil Tippet. He's basically the stop motion, uh, Aficiato. He worked on the Ed 209 on Enrollbocal.

53:21.230 --> 53:23.250
Hell, yeah.

53:23.250 --> 53:30.075
There's a lot of other kinds of things like that. Yeah, I kind of feel like we've covered everything.

53:30.075 --> 53:39.206
Um, yeah, there's not really anything I have written down that's terribly interesting. There's one thing where I feel like everyone might know this.

53:39.268 --> 53:57.434
I mean, there's that fantastic shot when they're in tech noir, and then she drops over, she drops the bottle on the floor and she dips over and is that slow Mo shot, that whole sequence up until that point where things almost are just about to fucking kick off. Probably one of my favorite sequences in any film ever.

53:57.532 --> 54:02.710
I love technoir. It was four point $50 to get into that club.

54:02.710 --> 54:04.158
That seems pretty cheap.

54:04.314 --> 54:10.030
Still thought it was too expensive. I don't like paying to get into a club anyway.

54:10.030 --> 54:11.054
Sometimes you have to.

54:11.092 --> 54:12.850
No, you don't. I just go home.

54:12.850 --> 54:16.158
That's true. You didn't live the club lifestyle.

54:16.314 --> 55:06.714
No, I always waited until it was too late for them to charge a cover charge or I just wouldn't go. Okay, so they're like, oh, it's midnight. You don't have to pay any more. I'm like, Cool, then I go in. But no, I don't like that. But technoire was awesome. The music is so good. The dancing, the dancing music the synth music, the dancing. I love that. I love technoire. The one thing I was going to mention when it comes to people, um, maybe having been interested in playing roles in this movie is they also considered OJ Simpson to play Terminator fuck, you know, which I don't know. I felt like that was mildly common knowledge. But it's interesting because they didn't choose him because he seemed too nice in quotes. They're not believable as being a murderer.

55:06.822 --> 55:11.990
Yeah. Just stick a pair of gloves on. I mean, he's ready to go.

55:11.990 --> 55:18.442
Glenn Close was the first choice for Sarah Connor. Yeah.

55:18.516 --> 55:30.470
Is this off the back of field attraction, or is this before feel attraction? Before feel attraction? Yeah. I feel like all the right choices were made for this film.

55:30.530 --> 55:34.346
100% Linda Hamilton forever.

55:34.478 --> 55:45.270
Yeah. There's that bit where they have sex. Where Michael Bain and Linda Hamilton have sex and stuff like that. There's always that bit with the hands when they slightly release.

55:45.270 --> 55:46.066
Oh, yeah.

55:46.188 --> 55:46.978
Because they're coming.

55:47.064 --> 55:48.146
The orgasm shot.

55:48.218 --> 55:52.574
Because Kyle Reese comes. You know that. Yes. He has to fucking.

55:52.682 --> 55:53.726
And he's a Virgin.

55:53.858 --> 55:56.266
He's also a Virgin. This is the first time he comes.

55:56.388 --> 55:59.218
Yeah, technically. Well, you don't know that now.

55:59.244 --> 56:01.462
He's too scared to masturbate in the future.

56:01.596 --> 56:09.630
Well, he had that picture of Sarah Connor that his best friend commander gave him, who is also his son.

56:09.630 --> 56:10.950

56:10.950 --> 56:13.102
And then he gives him the picture of.

56:13.236 --> 56:15.286
No, he's not masturbating to that.

56:15.348 --> 56:23.170
He's definitely masturbating to that little picture. Sarah Connor nuclear hand.

56:23.170 --> 56:24.950
We're going down a route.

56:25.160 --> 56:31.790
Um, he said that he had that picture for so long and it was so messed up. And he said he was in love with her.

56:31.840 --> 56:32.366
Pretty much.

56:32.428 --> 56:36.066
John Connor into creepy territory.

56:36.138 --> 56:51.638
So John Connor, who knows who Kyle Reese is? And he's his father, knowingly sends him back to the past after obviously having given him that picture, knowing that he's going to fucking fuck his mother in order to give birth to him.

56:51.724 --> 56:52.690

56:52.690 --> 56:56.330
He's not masturbating to that photo. Or at least if he is.

56:56.380 --> 57:03.362
He'S like John Connors sleeping night because he was born into this world.

57:03.556 --> 57:07.502
Yeah. This was something I didn't know. Oh, God.

57:07.636 --> 57:26.042
Yeah. Because Kyle Reese doesn't know that John Connor is his son. He has no idea that that's his son. He just knows it's like his commanding officer. But only John Connor knows he sends him because he knows he's going to have sex with his mom.

57:26.116 --> 57:32.390
Here's the thing. We thought this podcast episode was going on far too long, but I didn't expect my fucking mind to be blown this hard.

57:32.500 --> 57:35.414
Yeah, he definitely jerked off that Christ.

57:35.572 --> 57:51.190
Oh, my God. When he straight up tells her from his friend commander. But then son, son. That's the thing. Like, Kyle race isn't even born by the time that John Connor is born.

57:51.190 --> 57:56.650
No, John Connor is old. He's a commander by that time.

57:56.650 --> 58:24.462
No, he's not no, because like, John Connor, John Connor is probably like 40 because John Connor migrates into the new future. So the bombs drop. John Connor's alive. Of course he migrates into the future. Remember, Kyle Reese is born in the post. He's not even alive. So technically he gives birth, right? Yeah.

58:24.476 --> 58:31.158
John Connor has been alive for like, I don't know, 2030 years before his father is born. Yeah.

58:31.184 --> 58:50.058
So why is this not a topic of debate? Everyone has problems with licorice pizza that came out this week. The woman statutory rape. Well, no, she's being seemed to be like courting a young boy underage boy.

58:50.144 --> 58:50.462

58:50.462 --> 58:55.434
Uh uh. Well, no, I don't think that it's like people have a problem with that.

58:55.472 --> 59:03.322
But the only problem with the his son is like grooming him to be his own father. Holy setting him up to be his dad.

59:03.406 --> 59:05.030
Oh, fuck.

59:05.030 --> 59:06.838
He's like, I want you to be my dad.

59:06.934 --> 59:12.454
Oh my God. Well, no, it's not like he wants me to be like, I need you to be my dad because you are my dad.

59:12.502 --> 59:13.450
Such as foretold.

59:13.510 --> 59:14.490
Oh my God.

59:14.660 --> 59:16.126
By the Prophet Sarah Connor.

59:16.198 --> 59:22.690
Oh, fuck, that's my dad. Yeah. Look, in shark, Kyle Reese comes hard in this movie.

59:22.750 --> 59:23.262
He does?

59:23.336 --> 59:35.210
Yeah, because he spent too much time making explosives to the child. He had no time to masturbate. Oh, God, no. We're going back. Oh, no, God definitely did.

59:35.210 --> 59:38.640
Anything else you want to add?

59:38.640 --> 59:53.702
Um, I'm trying to think it really, um. Fucking buzzword. It's Friday night, for Christ's sake. Um, I love some of the lines in this movie. Like some of this stuff just like that.

59:53.836 --> 00:01.554
Well, on the answering machine, the roommates like, machines need love too. Leave us a message. Yeah, and then she gets shot by a machine.

00:01.662 --> 00:04.870
That's true. They also have a lizard that fucking hate them.

00:04.870 --> 00:19.390
They have an iguana, which hates them. And also people should not keep iguanas as pets. And also that terrarium was very small. Iguanas can get massive. They can get like really long.

00:19.390 --> 00:26.358
Jesus Christ. Anyway, it pours like that whole cup of milk and makes a big old sometimes people like a big glass of milk.

00:26.394 --> 00:26.934
No, they don't.

00:26.982 --> 00:42.258
Yeah, they do. I used to have like if you had some cookies and stuff. I used to have a little bit semi skimmed. It was nice. Well, I don't drink milk here. I don't drink milk in front of you. We've got almond milk that we have now you slowly convert me into vegetarianism.

00:42.354 --> 00:51.798
That's right. We all know the answer to this. It's very obvious. Would you recommend this movie?

00:51.894 --> 00:57.530

00:57.530 --> 00:59.570
You joke, sir.

00:59.570 --> 01:09.262
Yeah, it's like if you think this film is boring, who are you?

01:09.336 --> 01:09.826
I know.

01:09.888 --> 01:25.202
What is your name? Send it in. I don't understand. Your hot take is not hot. No, your hot take of being like, the Terminator is boring. It's like get fucked.

01:25.286 --> 01:25.858
I agree.

01:25.944 --> 02:46.370
It's fucking stupid. The thing is, the thing is that and this is me being very serious about this movie is that the film itself is a combination of, like, a bunch of different kind of genre ideas and all these kind of radical wild concepts. Because I'm not going to see what The Terminator does. And, like, it's mythos and all that sort of thing is entirely original because you've had, like, Jules Verne, you've had whoever wrote War of the World, right? You've had all of these quite wild, uh, grounded kind of Sci-Fi ideas. That kind of quite high concept. So, like, it's basically taking little bits of all these things and putting them all together. And it's like if the machines fight back, I find that super fucking interesting, for sure. So this is very much your film or action romance, Sci-Fi fantasy thing all kind, uh, of put into a blender. And it's got ideas of Cyberpunk. And certainly it's not the kind of the inception of the American take on the Cyberpunk genre and things like that. I quite like, uh. I quite enjoy. I kind of feel like it goes a lot further. I mean, just got, like, hardware and stuff like that. Those movies are really cool, but. Yeah, no, I think this film's like Runaway.

02:46.490 --> 02:47.774
That movie with Tom Selek.

02:47.822 --> 02:49.466
I don't know if that's a Cyberpunk movie.

02:49.538 --> 02:51.990
I've got the robots that look like.

02:51.990 --> 02:54.454
I mean, Lawnmower Man is closer to that.

02:54.552 --> 02:55.594
Like, coming to them.

02:55.692 --> 03:07.570
Yeah, we could talk about Cyberpunk for days, but either way, The Terminator, uh, um.

03:07.570 --> 03:10.866
Is a game changer. I think it's a, uh, game changer.

03:10.938 --> 03:16.570
It's one of the biggest franchises that's ever been created. It's a shame that they've shipped the bed with it.

03:16.570 --> 03:19.790
We can still hold on to the love we have of the first two.

03:19.900 --> 03:28.110
Yeah, that's something we all need to realize as well, is that we still have the first two movies. It doesn't discount those two because the rest of them are shit.

03:28.170 --> 03:29.890

03:29.890 --> 03:43.070
So I don't know. Untie your panties. You fucking fucking apologists out there. You don't have to feel like it needs to be modern in you in order for it to be better.

03:43.240 --> 03:52.166
No, I also recommend this movie. It's obvious. I love this movie. I love Arnold Schwarzenegger. I have a tattoo of him on my arm. Yeah, I love him.

03:52.288 --> 03:54.215
Yeah. Is this the only showing of Arnold's?

03:54.215 --> 04:06.350
Um, yes, from what I understand and what I have researched, if you guys know of another movie that has Arnold Schwarzeneggers, I'm pretty sure he's full rental, but I think I would have seen him.

04:06.460 --> 04:11.710
No, the only other one, it would have had any sort of lightning, too. It had been Hercules in New York.

04:11.710 --> 04:15.430
Maybe Conan, but not Hercules in New York.

04:15.430 --> 04:17.018
No, but.

04:17.044 --> 04:17.534
No, it's not.

04:17.572 --> 04:31.510
No, it's not. That's what I mean. Anything after The Terminator. He's like one of the biggest stars on the fucking planet after this movie. So you are not going to see his Wang after that.

04:31.510 --> 04:34.218
So give me your final ratings, Rydog.

04:34.314 --> 04:35.754
For what? The film.

04:35.802 --> 04:36.366
The film.

04:36.438 --> 04:43.810
Oh, five stars of five stars? I would say seven out of five, but that's not real.

04:43.810 --> 04:47.154
And what about for the scene, your visibility and context?

04:47.202 --> 05:00.518
I mean, I guess like three and a half, maybe four in terms of context and stuff like that. I mean, the guy has just been propelled. I see the guy, but the robot has just been propelled from the future.

05:00.604 --> 05:01.626

05:01.818 --> 05:41.290
Yeah, he's a Cyborg. He has been propelled, um, into the present day, from the future, but nothing on his back. But the thing is that's the thing you don't realize is that skin is just skin. They've made him as weapon. He is the weapon. He is what's underneath. And we find out later on. It looks awesome as fuck, but they make them as real as possible. And I guess they could have made it so that you look like a eunuch, but he doesn't. So. Yeah, like Alan Rickman from Dogma. Yeah. Like an action man.

05:41.290 --> 05:51.170
Yeah. I'm not sure. I obviously thought about it. Like, why did they give him a penis? But.

05:51.170 --> 05:53.146
Why wouldn't they give him a penis?

05:53.218 --> 05:54.618
It just seems like more work.

05:54.764 --> 06:04.610
Well, the thing is. Yeah, I mean, end of the day it would just stick out like a sore thumb. If he probably didn't have a Dick. If they were trying to make him look more real than real, if they were trying to insult.

06:04.670 --> 06:05.494
Yeah, that's true.

06:05.532 --> 06:18.150
Like all these pockets of humanity and stuff that were like maybe that was the T 700 didn't have a Dick. Yes. Some of the later films explore the other models of the Terminator.

06:18.150 --> 06:20.790
Right. Yeah.

06:20.790 --> 06:29.158
You're better off just with the before that you have in these two movies. You don't really need to go any further than that.

06:29.244 --> 06:35.021
Yeah, I think I'm going to give that visibility in context of three and a half is very dark.

06:35.021 --> 06:43.118
Um, it's only really seen because he's passing street lights and stuff like, uh, that. And he's mostly backlit.

06:43.214 --> 07:06.754
But as a full frontal scene in the context, it makes, uh, more than perfect sense because he came out naked. Like, what are you going to do? And also it's very probably jarring for those punk kids to see this gigantic naked man walking towards them. That's pretty scary. I would not like that at all.

07:06.852 --> 07:10.822
No, I don't think those punk kids actually gave a fuck though, to be fair.

07:10.956 --> 07:22.570
I don't know, they can act tough and have knives and shit, but when you got like an Arnold Schwarzenegger sized dude walking towards you one ass naked, I mean, you probably act tough, but you're like, oh my God.

07:22.620 --> 07:41.050
Well, certainly if I saw a man plunge his whole arm into my friend's chest, I would probably give him my clothes. Yeah, yeah. If he asked me nicely, I would give him my clothes.

07:41.050 --> 08:01.090
Well, that's nice. That's good. That's good. Well, thank you, uh, so much as always for discussing this film with me today. Yes, this was delightful and magnificent and I love this movie. I'm glad we got to watch it again. Not like we don't probably watch it every year.

08:01.090 --> 08:07.330
Yeah, at least every so often we stick it on because it's quite an easy watch.

08:07.330 --> 08:11.990
Well, coming to you from technoir, I have been Laura nice.

08:12.040 --> 08:24.578
I'm doing, uh, my shuffle dance. Yes, I'm like staring at the ground. I've got my mullet. Hey, look, you could rock a mullet business in the front. Party in the back.

08:24.664 --> 08:25.202
Oh, yeah.

08:25.276 --> 08:28.730
Yeah. Fuck yeah. We're in Florida. I can get away with it as well.

08:28.780 --> 08:35.750
You sure do. Yeah, well, thanks guys. We will see you next time.

08:35.750 --> 09:03.000
Goodbye. I was trying to think of something late. I was like, can I do an Arnold thing like fuck you up all boom that will do. Yeah, it was awful. Uh, um, let's just record a little bit to see if it's working and it might be working.